Refund Policy

At FleetNG Trucking Company Limited, we strive to provide reliable and efficient hauling services using our fleet of dump trucks. We understand that circumstances may arise that require the initiation of a refund process. Please review the following refund policy to understand our procedures and conditions:

1. Refund Eligibility:

- Refund requests will only be considered within 48 hours of the completion of the sand service.
- To be eligible for a refund, customers must provide valid proof of payment and clearly outline the reasons for the refund request.

2. Acceptable Refund Reasons:

- Service Cancellation: If a customer cancels the sand hauling service before the scheduled date, a refund may be issued, subject to the terms outlined in the cancellation policy.
- Service Discrepancies: Refunds will be considered for discrepancies such as inaccurate sand or other products quantity or quality compared to the agreed-upon terms.

3. Non-Refundable Circumstances:

- Inclement Weather: Refunds will not be issued due to delays or service interruptions caused by unforeseen weather conditions.
- Customer Delays: FleetNG is not responsible for delays caused by customer-related issues, such as site unpreparedness, load readiness, or inaccurate information provided during the booking process.

4. Refund Process:

- Customers must submit a wriUen refund request via email to our customer support team at [email protected] within 48 hours of service completion.
- The request must include the customer's name, contact information, proof of payment, and a detailed explanation of the reasons for the refund.
- FleetNG will review the refund request within 5 business days and notify the customer of the decision.

5. Refund Approval:

- If the refund request is approved, FleetNG will process the refund within 7 business days using the original payment method.
- The refunded amount will be the total cost of the service minus any applicable fees or charges.

6. Refund Denial:

- If the refund request is denied, FleetNG will provide a clear explanation of the decision to the customer.
- Customers have the right to appeal the decision by providing additional information or addressing any concerns raised by FleetNG.

Note: FleetNG Trucking Company reserves the right to update or modify this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Customers are encouraged to review the policy periodically for any changes.

By engaging in our services, customers acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this refund policy.